A Quick Thought on Public Safety

How do you react upon reading the following comment?


“I send my daughter off to college with better communications gear than my Katrina response teams were equipped with.” Rear Adm. Robert F. Duncan, Former Commander of the Eighth Coast Guard District.


Most police and fire personnel in the U.S. use analog radio technology (Pause and contemplate that for a moment). In a world where 3G has penetrated almost every corner, there remains a large market of users that have little or no access to the benefits of broadband wireless that we’re becoming accustomed to. My next posting will dig into that deeper.



2 Responses to A Quick Thought on Public Safety

  1. Leo Torrezao says:

    Rabbit ears are going digital but first responders are not?
    When did the US Congress decide that the air waves are no longer a public trust but a public nusiance?

  2. Bill says:

    Interesting comparison! For TV, the FCC and broadcast industry chose digital technology as part of the spectrum clearing process – the very process that freed up the 700 MHz band for 3G. For Public Safety, there is no catalyst that causes the entire marketplace to move to digital in one fell swoop, and the cost to do so would be enormous.

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